Political Drawings -- German/French Images Only -------------------------------------------------------------------- Text : ---------------------------------- 2020 Preface The Masereel Group is devoted to spreading the public domain works of this great artist. The text was first acquired and then scanned. Then it was cropped, rotated, balanced, contrasted, saturated, despeckled, noise-reductioned, and some manually touched up. This was followed by OCR scanning, manual proofreading, and translating into English. This book is in the public domain in the United States (because it was published before 1925), but it is not public domain in Europe (because its author died in 1972). But the Masereel Group is based in the United States, so everything within here is released under the Public Domain, and all content that is not allowed to be licensed under the Public Domain is released under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0 License. UprisingEngineer, Masereel Group, August 30, 2020 Events : ---------------------------------- Political Drawings -- German/French Images Only -- Added : August 29, 2020 Political Drawings -- German/French Images Only -- Updated : September 06, 2020 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from : http://MasereelGroup.com/