Bibliography -------------------------------------------------------------------- Text : ---------------------------------- Graphic Novels Woodcut Graphic Novels 25 Images of a Man's Passion (1918) Alternate Title: The Passion of a Man French Title: 25 Images de la Passion d'un Homme German Title: Die Passion Eines Menschen Passionate Journey (1919) Alternate Title: My Book of Hours French Title: Mon Livre d'Heures German Title: Mein Stundenbuch The Sun (1919) French Title: Le Soleil German Title: Die Sonne Political Drawings (1920) French Title: Dessins Politiques German Title: Politische Zeichnungen Story Without Words (1920) French Title: Histoire Sans Paroles German Title: Geschichte ohne Worte The Idea (1920) French Title: L'Idée German Title: Die Idee The Eternal Jew (1921) German Title: Der Ewige Jude The City (1925) French Title: La Ville German Title: Die Stadt The Industrial Baron (1925) German Title: Die Industriebaron Figures and Grimaces (1926) French Title: Figures et Grimaces German Title: Gesichter und Fratzen The Work (1928) French Title: L’œuvre German Title: Das Werk Youth (1928) French Title: Jeunesse L'Œuvre (1928) -- Landscapes and Voices (1929) German Title: Landschaften und Stimmungen Mermaid (1932) French Title: La Sirène From Black to White (1939) French Title: Du Noir au Blanc German Title: Von Schwarz zu Weiss Dance of Death (1940) French Title: Danse Macabre June '40 (1942) French Title: Juin 40 Destinies 1939-1940-1941-1942 (1943) French Title: Destins 1939-1940-1941-1942 Bourbaki Panorama (1944) -- Earth under the sign of Saturn (1944) French Title: La Terre sous le signe de Saturne Remember! (1946) -- Angel (1945) German Title: Engel Apparitions (1947) Alternate Title: Phenomena German Title: Erscheinungen Ages of life (1948) French Title: Les Âges de la Vie Ecce Homo (1949) -- Key to Dreams (1950) French Title: Clef des songes Our Times (1952) French Title: Notre Temps The apocalypse of our time (1953) German Title: Die Apokalypse unserer Zeit Why? (1954) French Title: Pour quoi? My book of images (1956) French Title: Mon livre d'images My country (1956) French Title: Mon Pais Night Adventure (1958) French Title: Aventure nocturne Night and his Daughters (1959) French Title: La Nuit et ses Filles China Memories (1961) German Title: Erinnerungen an China Stations (1961) French Title: É'talges From Decay to Triumph (1961) German Title: Vom Verfall zum Triumph Poets (1963) French Title: Poètes The face of Hamburg (1964) French Title: Le visage de Hambourg German Title: Das Gesicht Hamburgs The road of men (1964) French Title: Route des hommes German Title: Der weg der menschen Couples (1965) -- My home (1965) German Title: Meine Heimat Antwerp (1968) German Title: Antwerpen Hands (1968) German Title: Mains Vice and passion (1968) German Title: Laster und Leidenschaft I love black and white (1970) German Title: Ik houd van zwart en wit Pictures against the war (1981) German Title: Bilder gegen den Krieg Woodcuts against the war (1989) German Title: Holzschnitte gegen den Krieg Brush and Ink Graphic Novels Grotesque Film (1921) German Title: Groteskfilm Pictures of the Big City (1926) French Title: Images de la grande ville German Title: Bilder der Grossstadt Capital (1935) French Title: Capitale Wrath (1944) French Title: La Colère Frontispiece Pray, by Pierre Jean Jouve (1924) French Title: Prière Several Misunderstandings, by Géo Norge (1926) French Title: Plusieurs Malentendus Cries under the grindstone, followed by flowers of war, by Manuel Devaldes (1927) German Title: Des cris sous la meule. suivi de Fleurs de guerre Georges Duhamel: Man and Work, by Achille Ouy (1927) German Title: Georges Duhamel. L'Homme et l'Oeuvre Manifesto to Intellectuals, by Henry Barbusse (1927) French Title: Manifeste aux intellectuels The Falconer, by P. Marcel Seheur (1927) French Title: Le Fauconnier Memories of Emile Verhaeren, by Stefan Zweig (1927) German Title: Erinnerungen an Emile Verhaeren The Cross Section, 8th Year (1928) German Title: Der Querschnitt. VIII. / 8. Jahrgang, Heft 4, April 1928. Mit einem Titelbild von Frans Masereel, zahlreichen Fotos sowie Illustrationen, u. a. von Rudolf Großmann und Paul Klee. The Cross Section, 9th Year (1929) German Title: Der Querschnitt. Herausgeber: Hermann von Wedderkop. Jahrgang IX. Heft 2. China's natural order and the machine. Techniques, by Maximilian Esterer (1929) German Title: Chinas natürliche Ordnung und die Maschine. Wege der Technik Cyriel Buyssche, a study, by Achilles Mussche (1929) German Title: Cyriel Buyssche, een studie The Question of Peace, by Garmt Stuiveling (1929) German Title: Het Vraagstuk van de Vrede Naturalism in La Plata, by W.H. Hudson (1930) French Title: Le naturalisme à La Plata The Crime of Father Amaro, by Jose Maria Eça de Queiroz (1930) German Title: Das Verbrechen des Paters Amaro Comrades! Verses, by Brusse Rotterdam (1930) German Title: Kameraden ! verzen The watchman. German monthly magazines. 33rd (7th) (1931) German Title: Der Türmer. Deutsche Monatshefte Brains Behind Barbed Wire! A Collective Report by the Association of Proletarian Revolutionary Writers of Germany, Universum-Buecherei, Basel (1934) -- The Herald, by Romain Rolland (1935) German Title: Die Verkünderin The Birth, by Romain Rolland (1936) German Title: Die Geburt Sacred Way, by Romain Rolland (1936) Italian Title: Via Sacra The Animals at Home, by Andrée Martignon (1938) French Title: Les bêtes chez elles. Collection : Les livres de nature Aquatic curiosities, by J. Sageret (1938) French Title: Curiosités aquatiques The Rights of Intelligence, by Jacques Duclos and Louis Aragon (1938) French Title: Les Droits de l'Intelligence The Verona Press Rhyme Sheets. Nos. 1-6, by Verona Press (1938) -- The Restless Life of Still Waters, by Georges Barbarin (1946) French Title: La Vie agitee des eaux dormantes The Phoenix, by Lothar Blanvalet (1946) German Title: Der Phönix The Journey, by Romain Rolland (1946) French Title: Le périple Tarka the otter; his happy life in water and his death in the Land of Two Rivers, by Henry Williamson (1947) French Title: Tarka la loutre; sa joyeuse vie dans l'eau et sa mort au Pays des Deux-Rivières In the Jungle of Guyana, by William Beebe (1947) Dans la jungle de Guyane Trader Horn. The Côte d 'Ivoire in heroic times, by Aloysius Horn (1947) French Title: Trader Horn. La Côte d' Ivoire aux temps héroïques The Short Street, by Thyde Monnier (1947) German Title: Die kurze Strasse Illustrator The Days of the Curse, by Marcel Martinet (1914-1916) German Title: Die Tage des Fluches Hôtel-Dieu, Hospital Stories, by Pierre Jean Jouve (1915) French Title: Hôtel-Dieu, Récits d'Hôpital Fifteen Poems, by Émile Verhaeren (1917) French Title: Quinze Poemes Pierre and Luce, by Romain Rolland (1918) Alternate Title: Peter and Luce German Title: Pierre und Luce Calamus: Poems, by Walt Whitman (1919) French Title: Calamus: Poèmes The Mother, by Leonhard Frank (1919) German Title: Die Mutter Hours, by Pierre Jean Jouve (1919) French Title: Heures Bübü of Montparnasse, by Charles-Louis Philippe (1920) German Title: Bübü vom Montparnasse The Common, by René Arcos (1920) German Title: Das Gemeinsame The Poets Against War, by Romain Rolland, Georges Duhamel, Charles Vildrac and Pierre Jean Jouve (1920) French Title: Les Poètes contre la Guerre The Strange Worker and Other Stories, by Émile Verhaeren (1921) French Title: Le Travailleur étrange et autres récits Peter and Lutz: A Narrative, by Romain Rolland (1921) German Title: Peter und Lutz: Eine Erzählung The Revolt of Machines or the Mind Unbound, by Romain Rolland (1921) French Title: La révolte des machines, ou la Pensée Déchainée Dutch Title: De opstand der machines, of Het losgebroken intellect Some Corners of the Heart, by Henri Barbusse (1921) French Title: Quelque Coins du Couer The good Madeleine and the poor Marie, by Charles-Louis Philippe (1922) German Title: Die gute Madeleine und die arme Marie Fairfax, by Carl Sternheim (1922) -- Swan of Rabindranath Tagore, by Kâlidâs Nâg and Pierre Jean Jouve (1923) French Title: Cygne de Rabindranath Tagore Five Tales, by Émile Verhaeren (1924) German Title: Fünf Erzählungen Liluli, by Romain Rolland (1924) -- Jean-Christophe, by Romain Rolland (1925) German Title: Johann Christof Thyl Ulenspiegel, by Charles de Coster (1926) -- For the ordination. The path to community, by Anna Siemsen (1926) German Title: Zur Jugendweihe. Der Weg zur Gemeinschaft Leipzig's Work on the Book, by Selbstverlag, Leipzig (1927) German Title: Leipzigs Wirken am Buch Sowing and harvesting. Proletarian novellas, stories, essays and poems, by Arthur Wolf (1927) German Title: Saat und Ernte. Proletarische Novellen, Erzählungen, Aufsätze und Gedichte. The Fool's Guide to Paris and London, by Arthur Holitscher (1927) German Title: Der Narrenführer durch Paris und London Arc Lamps, by Paul Morand (1927) French Title: Lampes A Arc Discovery of Longview, by Luc Durtain (1927) French Title: Découverte de Longview Combatant: A Book for Proletarian Youth, by the Executive Committee of the Communist Youth International (1928) German Title: Kampfgenoss: Ein Buch für die proletarische Jugend Kerstwake, by Stijn Streuvels (1928) -- Swans, by Emmanuel De Bom (1928) French Title: Swane The Horla and other tales, by Guy de Maupassant (1928) French Title: Le Horla et autres contes Christmas Vigil, by Stijn Streuvels (1928) German Title: Kerstwake The Boy and His Majesty, by Pierre Humburg (1928) French Title: Le boy de sa majesté Sir Halewijn, by Charles de Coster (1928) French Title: Sire Halewijn The Force. Fantastic night, by Stefan Zweig (1929) German Title: Der Zwang. Phantastische Nacht In the Stream of Time: Poems, by Ernst Preczang (1929) German Title: Im Strom der Zeit: Gedichte Tiennette's leg and other stories, by Charles-Louis Philippe (1929) German Title: Das Bein der Tiennette und andere Erzählungen The Proletarian Fate: A Cross-Section of the Contemporary Worker Poetry, by Hans Mühle (1929) Das proletarische Schicksal: Ein Querschnitt durch die Arbeiterdichtung der Gegenwart In the Flow of Time: Poems, by Ernst Preczang (1929) German Title: Im Strom der Zeit: Gedichte 2nd International Socialist Youth Meeting in Vienna from July 12 to 14, 1929. Commemorative publication, by Sozialistische Jugend Internationale (1929) German Title: 2. Internationales Sozialistisches Jugendtreffen in Wien vom 12. bis 14. Juli 1929. Festschrift. Soldier Suhren: The first German war novel, by Georg von der Vring (1929) German Title: Soldat Suhren: Der erste deutsche Kriegs-Roman Official Bodini: The workbook of a hand press in the first six years of its work (1929) German Title: Die Officina Bodoni. Das Werkbuch einer Handpresse in den ersten sechs Jahren ihres Wirkens Médard de Paris, by René Arcos (1929) German Title: Medardus (1930) The Baedeker of Fools, by Arthur Holitscher (1930) Spanish Title: El Baedeker De Los Locos The Way is Cleared for Jugendweihe, by Valtin Hartwig (1930) German Title: Der Weg wird frei zur Jugendweihe Notre-Dame de Paris, by Victor Hugo (1930) -- The Will, by Francois Villon (1930) French Title: Le Testament Yesterday Crime. Today?, by Hein Van Wijk (1932) Dutch Title: Gisteren Nog Misdaad. Heden? Koka. And other Sailor stories, by Theodor Plivier (1934) Dutch Title: Koka. En andere Zeemansverhalen. Handtekening van Frans Masereel German Title: Zwölf Mann und ein Kapitän Dimitroff versus Goering: Revelations about the true arsonists, by Braunbuch II (1934) German Title: Dimitroff contra Göring: Enthüllungen über die wahren Brandstifter A man of 40 years: Diary, by Jean Guehenno (1936) German Title: Ein Mann Von 40 Jahren. Tagebuch. The Man Without a Body, by Herman Teirlinck (1937) German Title: De man zonder lijf Good Friday, by Romain Rolland (1937) German Title: Goede Vrijdag Magpie on the Gallows, by Herman Teirlinck (1937) Dutch: ekster op de galg The Man Without Body, by Herman Teirlinck (1937) Dutch: De Man Zonder Lijf The Legend of the d'Ullenspiegel, by Charles de Coster (1937) Luxembourgish Title: La Légende d'Ullenspiegel Art as a time image, by A. Hahn Jr. (1938) Dutch Title: Kunst als tijdsbeeld Ave, by Herman Teirlink (1938) -- Someone - a choral work. With the woodcuts "The Passion of a Man" by Frans Masereel, by Hans Sahl (1938) German Title: Jemand - ein Chorwerk. Mit den Holzschnitten "Die Passion eines Menschen" von Frans Masereel Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare (1939) -- Ode to the Dead France, by Louis Piérard (1940) French Title: Ode a la France Meurtrie Judgment, by Agrippa d'Aubigné (1941) French Title: Jugement The Legend of Tyl Ulenspiegl, by Charles de Coster (1943) Alternate Title: The Glorious Adventures of Tyl Ulenspiegl French Title: La légende d’Ulenspiegel Insights on Belgium, by Louis Pierard (1945) French Title: Regards sur la Belgique Gustav Hänfling: The Silesian Porcelain Painter and His Memories, by H.E. Kromer (1947) German Title: Gustav Hänfling: Der schlesische Porzellanmaler und seine Denkwürdigkeiten Germinal Roman, by Emile Zola (1947) -- The Night, by Rudolf Hagelstange (1955) German Title: Die Nacht Vater Perdrix, by Charles-Louis Philippe (1960) -- You're Loved Forever. Poems, by Johannes R. Becher (1960) German Title: Du bist für alle Zeit geliebt. Gedichte From Decline to Triumph, by Johannes R. Becher (1961) German Title: Vom Verfall zum Triumph Moriae Encomium: Or The Praise Of Folly, by Desiderius Erasmus (1965) -- Crazy Tuesday, by Theun de Vries (1967) Dutch Title: Dolle Dinsdag The Flowers of Evil, by Charles Baudelaire (1977) French Title: Fleurs du mal The Ballad of Reading Gaol, by Oscar Wilde (1978) -- The Refugees, by Louis Piérard (1942) French Title: Les Réfugiés The Street of the Fishing Cat, by J. Földes (1947) German Title: De straat van de vissende kat The Rue du Chat-qui-Peche, by Jolan Földes (1947) French Title: La Rue du Chat-qui-Peche Animation The Idea (1932) French Title: L'Idée Works Published in Journals Demain (1916) Les Tablettes (1916-1919) La Feuille (1917-1920) Year 7., Jahrgang, Heft 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, (1926) Volk und Kunst. Jahrgang 1927 / 1928, Heft 6. Blätter der Dresdener Volksbühne e. V. (1928, issue 6) Kunstblatt, Das: 12. Jahrgang, Juli. Herausgeber Paul Westheim Art Collections Solo Collections Arise Ye Dead: The Infernal Resurrection (1917) French Title: Debout les Morts: Résurrection infernale The Dead Speak (1917) French Title: Les Morts Parlent Frans Masereel. The collected work. Exhibition catalog with a list of the woodcut sequences and illustrated books for the exhibition in the Städtische Kunsthalle Mannheim, by Mannheim Gremm (1929) German Title: Frans Masereel. Das gesammelte Werk. Ausstellungskatalog mit einem Verzeichnis der Holzschnittfolgen und illustrierten Bücher zur Ausstellung in der Städtischen Kunsthalle Mannheim. Exhibition of Works by Frans Masereel (1930) Dutch Title: Tentoonstelling van werken door Frans Masereel. The Work of Frans Masereel (1930) Dutch Title: Het werk van Frans Masereel The work of Frans Masereel. Containing one color reproduction and 60 reproductions in white and black (1930) Dutch Title: Het werk van Frans Masereel. Bevattende één kleur-reproductie en 60 reproducties in wit en zwart Frans Masereel. Exhibition. Paintings, watercolors, drawings, woodcuts and illustrated books. From October 5 to 23, 1930 in the large skylight room. (1930) German Title: Frans Masereel. Ausstellung. Gemälde, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, Holzschnitte und illustrierte Bücher. Vom 5. bis 23. Oktober 1930 im großen Oberlichtsaal. Frans Masereel. September - October 1931. Exhibition catalog, Leipziger Kunstverein (ed.) (1931) German Title: Frans Masereel. September - Oktober 1931. Ausstellungs-Katalog Frans Masereel, With 115 reproductions, by Luc Durtain (1931) French Title: FRANS MASEREEL. Par Luc Durtain. Avec 115 reproductions Mixed Collections 1925: An Almanac for Art and Poetry, published by Kurt Wolff Verlag (1925) German Title: 1925: Ein Almanach für Kunst und Dichtung Individuality. 1st year book 4. 1926. Quarterly publication for philosophy & art, edited by Willy Storrer and Hans Reinhart (1926) German Title: Individualität. 1. Jg. Buch 4. 1926. Vierteljahresschrift für Philosophie & Kunst. Hrsg. von Willy Storrer und Hans Reinhart. 1927: An Almanac for Art and Poetry, published by Kurt Wolff Verlag (1927) German Title: 1927. Ein Almanach für Kunst und Dichtung An almanac by the Carl Reissner publishing house on its 50th anniversary on October 1, 1928, by Alfred Kubin (1927) German Title: Ein Almanach des Verlages Carl Reissner zu seinem 50jährigen Bestehen am 1. Oktober 1928. Woodcut: A Characteristics of the History and Technique of Woodcuts, by Märt Laarman (1927) Estonian Title: Puulõige : Jooni puulõike ajaloost ja tehnikast Indignation and design: Artist profiles from Daumier to Kollwitz, by Erich Knauf (1928) German Title: Empörung und Gestaltung: Künstlerprofile von Daumier bis Kollwitz Fornication! Fornication! Mr. Prosecutor! On the natural history of German shame, by Max Hodann (1928) German Title: Unzucht! Unzucht! Herr Staatsanwalt! Zur Naturgeschichte des deutschen Schamgefühls Catalog of the State Museum of New Western Art, by the Communist Party of Russia (1928) Russian Title: Katalog Gosudarstvennogo Muzeya Novogo Zapadnogo Iskusstva Almanac of the Working People, by Berlin Neuer Deutscher Verlag (1928) German Title: Almanach der Werktätigen Les contes - Illustrated with 33 engravings by Laboureur, Possoz, Laurencin, Alexieff, Dignimont, by Charles Perrault (1928) French Title: Les contes - Illustré de 33 gravures par Laboureur, Possoz, Laurencin, Alexieff, Dignimont Techniques. 5 vols., by J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger (1929) German Title: Wege der Technik. 5 Bde. Hartmann, Siegfried / Diesel, Eugen / Lilienthal, Anna u. Gustav / Lufft, Hermann / Esterer, Maximilian Picture Lexicon Literature And Art Volume 2, Verlag Für Kulturforschung, Vienna (1929) German Title: Bilder-Lexikon Literatur Und Kunst Band 2 The graphic arts. Vintage 1930 LIII. Vintage, issue 2/3, by Gesellschaft für vervielfältigende Kunst (1930) German Title: Die graphischen Künste. Jahrgang 1930 LIII. Jahrgang, Heft 2/3 Island Ship - 11th Year, by Leipzig insel (1930) German Title: Inselschiff, Das. Elfter Jahrgang 1930 Literary almanac for Flanders 1930, by Het Kompas - De Spieghel (1930) Dutch Title: Letterkundige almanak voor Vlaanderen 1930 Radical spirit (cross-sections through radical literature), by Kurt Zube (1930) German Title: Radikaler Geist (Querschnitte durch radikale Literatur) Art of the Time, First Year, b JJ Ottens (1930) German Title: Kunst der Zeit. Zeitschrift der Künstler-Selbsthilfe. Ausgabe B. Heft Nr. 1 - 12, 1. Jahrgang, Oktober 1929 - September 1930. Art and artists, XXIX. Volume, January 1931 Issue VI, by Karl Scheffler (1930) German Title: Kunst und Künstler , XXIX. Jahrgang, Januar 1931 Heft VI Europe monthly review, tome twenty-eighth (Number 97), January 15, 1931 (1931) French Title: Europe revue mensuelle, tome vingt-huitieme (Numero 97), 15 Janvier 1931. Housebook for Freethinkers, by the Berlin Der Freidenker (1931) German Title: Hausbuch Für Freidenker Plans. Revue mensuelle. No. 9, Novembre 1931 (1931) French Title: Plans. Revue mensuelle. No. 9, Novembre 1931. Avec de nombreuses illustrations Art. Monthly magazine for old and young art (1931) Dutch Title: Kunst . Maandblad voor oude en jonge kunst Graphic arts and crafts. Special issue November 15, 1931, N. 26 (1931) French Title: Arts et métiers graphiques. Numéro spécial 15 Novembre 1931, N. 26 Paintings and sculptures by recent masters from two private collections in Berlin. Auction XVI - March 21, 1932. (1932) German Title: Gemälde und Plastiken neuerer Meister aus zwei Berliner Privatsammlungen. Versteigerung XVI - 21. März 1932. People and Time, by Bln., Vorwärts (1932) German Title: Volk und Zeit Magazine for the Friends of Insel-Verlag. 14th year. Second issue. Spring 1933, by the Island Ship (1933) German Title: eine Zeitschrift. Frühjahr 1933. Zeitschrift für die Freunde des Insel-Verlags. 14. Jahrgang. Zweites Heft. Works Art 6: Masereel, Frem Forlag, Kobenhavn (1934) German Title: Arbejder Kunst 6: Masereel - Den store flamske Traeskerer og Tegner Frans Masereel er vor Tids egentlige Samfundsskildrer. Ikke bare i Formen er han moderne. Tegninger of Traesnit af Frans Masereel Tales of Horace Van Offel, by Horace Van Offel (1935) French Title: Contes d'Horace Van Offel Journal of the Gutenberg Book Guild Vienna. Born 1936, issues 1 - 12. (1936) German Title: Zeitschrift der Büchergilde Gutenberg Wien. Jahrgang 1936, Heft 1 - 12. Les cahiers de la jeunesse 5 - December 1937 (1937) French Title: Les cahiers de la jeunesse 5 - Décembre 1937 Youth notebooks n ° 6, January 1938, by Various Authors (1938) French Title: Les cahiers de la jeunesse n° 6, janvier 1938 Homage to Eugène Dabit, by Gallimard Paris (1939) French Title: Hommage à Eugène Dabit In Song and in Etching, a collection of poems and etchings, dedicated to work, taming the land and guard duty, by National Hashomer Hatza'ir Kibbutz (1939) Hebrew Title: BeShir uveKheret, kovetz leDivrey shira umaase kheret, mukdashim laavoda, kibush vehagana. The Plays of William Shakespeare in Thirty-Seven Volumes (37 volume complet set), by William Shakespeare (1939) -- Guild Almanac (1945) German Title: Gilden - Almanach 1945 March. A literary monthly. 1st year, issue 2, by Johanna Moosdorf (1947) German Title: März. Eine literarische Monatsschrift. 1. Jahrgang, Heft 2. Events : ---------------------------------- Bibliography -- Added : July 29, 2020 Bibliography -- Updated : August 07, 2020 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :